The inspiration behind this site.
Welcome to my site, Your Inner State.Love!
This blog is all about connecting with your inner state. When we get still enough, we often find that love is at the center of it all.
This blog is a platform for me to share my experiences and perspectives about life and spirituality. I will be sharing from my heart and hope that you will join in the conversation. I hope to give examples from my life and to offer some very practical examples of how you can integrate these perspectives and practices into your daily life.
As I have been working with individuals and groups about how to connect and deepen their spiritual experiences, I wanted to create content that can reach more people.
I hope to share about all of the healing modalities I use in my work, and to be able to share this information with people who are new to this spiritual stuff and also people who have been aware of their spiritual journey a long time.
Photo by Javi Instagram: @javi.deleon