Episode 10 Podcast Show Notes - Forgiveness
In this episode, we talk about using forgiveness as a tool to let go of past or present difficulties in our lives in order to experience peace. We do a practice on forgiveness to give over our current perceived blocks to the spirit.
Excerpt from this episode: "I think for a lot of people, the biggest work or whatever things that people do, they naturally gravitate towards things that are an attempt to solve a problem. And in her case, her being a clown was probably this attempt to, in a way heal what she was feeling inside, if you watch the movie, the letters, and it's all about Mother Teresa and her journey and how the letters that she wrote, revealed that actually she was terrified of dying of dying alone. And so a lot of her work was alleviating a lot of people in that situation of dying alone. And she did amazing work. She helped a lot of people through it. But in a way, all of that work that Dharma, her work in her life was very much connected with her purpose. And her purpose was in a way, I think, to get over that fear of dying alone, and realizing that it's probably not even about the form in terms of people but knowing that we're not really alone, and that we're always connected with God. In the end of her life, she wasn't alone. She had tons of people around her. And I think it's also a way that we can look at our own lives and see, what is it that we're trying to solve? What is it that we're in a way, avoiding or not directly addressing? And is there something that we can do, to forgive, to let go to learn the lessons that we need?"
This is the final episode of Season 1. Thank you so much for joining this season! I’d love to hear what you liked or didn’t like, what was useful or not, any bit of feedback helps. Thank you!