This episode introduces the reason behind the podcast, which originally was about road rage! At first, I wanted to help people to use their travel time to be able to navigate through emotions. I thought of this because of people like my sister, who are so busy and do not have time to do any self-work except for the time she’s in a car between her many activities.
Well, the coronavirus COVID-19 situation came to the forefront just as I was going to post the initial episodes. At that point, there wasn’t rush hour traffic anymore as people were starting to stay in their homes. But my sister did start to share some of her experience working as a doctor of emergency pediatrics. And one of the biggest concerns that she had was how many kids were coming in with anxiety problems.
And one of my perspectives is that if you can find your center through any storm, you can handle anything, even a pandemic.
So this first episode is about realizing that the first step to that inner stillness, your inner self, is to meet yourself wherever you are. How are you feeling right NOW? How are you feeling physically, mentally, and emotionally? Instead of trying to avoid it, acknowledge what you are feeling.
Meet yourself wherever you are.