Episode 5 Podcast Show Notes - Projection Part I
This episode is an introduction to the concept of projection. We talk about how we project our feelings outwardly, and how we can utilize this for our own healing. Recognizing our projections can turn ourselves from a victim of what is happening to someone who is aware and empowered.
Dr. Iheleaka Hew Len’s website: https://www.zero-wise.com/
CPDRC Dancing Inmates: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMnk7lh9M3o
Transcript from the first few minutes: "So what is projection? Well, Freud is the psychologist who's attributed with the term projection. It happened because he was writing about a particular patient who was trying to avoid really looking at her feelings of shame by projecting that her neighbors were actually gossiping about her instead. Basically, if you don't deal with your internal problems, then you're going to see it externally around you. And so that was one of the first cases that it was written about. The thing with projection is that we're doing it all the time and we're not usually aware of it and it can come up in All sorts of situations and relationships through work relationships, family relationships, romantic relationships, etc. And we just project so much without even realizing it.
So, by the end of this, we'll have gone a little bit deeper about the concept. And I'm going to give you a lot of examples and stories that I've come across so far in life and give you some tools to be able to bring awareness and then also to be able to let go of whatever it is that you're holding on to. So in more modern times, the concept of projection is actually associated as being something negative, like you hear in a lot of more mindful or spiritual communities where people are often saying, "You're projecting!" and the funny thing is, is that the person saying "You're projecting!" is projecting too, and so whenever we're trying to bring awareness to somebody else, we actually need to bring it back to ourselves. And you know, we're, we are projecting everywhere all the time. Something that has stuck with me is this idea that when you're pointing your finger at someone, realize that there are actually three fingers pointing back at yourself. So anytime that you're blaming somebody for anything, even if a person has done something, the feeling of blame is actually a projection of something that you're feeling inside. And it might not be direct, but it is reflecting something that you haven't brought to awareness that has been pushed into your subconscious or unconscious mind. And one of the..."